Profs. Ashwin Shahani (PI) and Sharon Glotzer (co-PI) have received a $550K grant from the Department of Energy to develop a highly coordinated and collaborative program aimed at understanding the growth of quasicrystals from a liquid. To do so, the team will bridge emergent research in structural characterization (e.g., in situ X-ray and electron based imaging) and molecular simulations. Because short-range icosahedral order is ubiquitous in nature, the project is expect to have immediate and profound impact on the field of synthesis and processing science. The team is thrilled to begin work on this three-year project!
Profs. Thomas, Shahani, and others win Research Accelerator award
Profs. Alec Thomas (PI), Ashwin Shahani (co-PI), and six other faculty members have received a $250K grant from the University of Michigan to construct a high-repetition-rate X-ray beamline for transformative manufacturing applications, including real-time monitoring of additive manufacturing processes. The beamline will leverage an NSF-funded upgrade to UM's HERCULES laser.
The team attends Aperiodic 2018
Prof. Shahani and Dr. Senabulya (pictured at left) attended the Ninth Conference on Aperiodic Crystals held in Ames, IA, USA this past July 2018. They each presented recent results on behalf of the group on the growth dynamics of quasicrystalline solid phases from a liquid. In recognition of his presentation, Prof. Shahani won the Young Investigator Award. The team looks forward to the next opportunity to participate (in three years) and to meet other scientists working in this exciting field!