Peering into the formation of "forbidden crystals"

In a new paper published in Physical Review Letters, we track in situ the solid‑state formation of metastable and dendritic quasicrystals. On the basis of our time‑resolved transmission electron microscopy experiments and supporting molecular dynamics simulations, we provide an atomic picture of how periodic crystalline (approximant) structures evolve into quasicrystalline structures in terms of their structural similarity and how the interface between the quasicrystal and approximant supports the formation of dendrites (tree-like structures). Ultimately, we show that a 13-atom icosahedral motif is dominant upon rapid annealing, and if a sufficient population of these motifs exist, they could guide phase selection. Such motifs are the essential building blocks for quasicrystal growth from a solid or a liquid precursor. Congratulations Insung and Parsa!

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